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Eco-friendly and Biodegradable Electrochromic Display

Discover the future of sustainable electronics with our fully biodegradable electrochromic display! ???? This innovative display showcases signals from biodegradable devices like UV sensors and electrochemical transistors, all while operating at low voltage with enhanced stability. Crafted using a tungsten nanomesh and PLGA substrate, it ensures minimal environmental impact and degrades naturally in phosphate-buffered saline or soil under mild conditions. Say goodbye to electronic waste and hello to eco-friendly technology!
npj Flexible Electronics 8.1 (2024): 72.

Biodegradable Ultra-Sensitive Strain Sensor: Real-Time Vascular Monitoring

An Ultra-sensitive biodegradable crack-based strain sensor (GF 1355 at 1.5% strain) was developed for real-time micro-deformation detection. It combines a Mo layer, MoO₃ adhesion layer, and PCL substrate, with a hybrid encapsulation layer (C-wax, B-wax, PBAT) for enhanced water resistance and flexibility. In vivo tests confirmed its ability to monitor vascular pulsation for up to three days.
Advanced Functional Materials, 2406035 (2024).

Biodegradable, Self-deployable Electronic Tent for Brain Cortex Interfacing

We introduce a biodegradable, self-deploying tent electrode for brain cortex interfacing. It integrates with multiplexing arrays and a wireless module for near-field communication. Delivered via a syringe through a small hole, it expands to cover 200 times its original size. The electrode naturally decomposes in the body, avoiding the need for removal surgery. In vivo tests demonstrate its effectiveness in stimulating large cortical activity populations.

Nature Electronics (2024): 1-14.

Photo-Degradable, Magnetic Origami Robots

We have developed a remotely operable soft robot that can be disassembled upon exposure to light, utilizing silicone-based polymers and magnetic particles that can be decomposed. For detailed technology, please refer to

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16.10 (2024): 13139-13149.


Ecofriendly Transfer Printing for Biodegradable Electronics

We have developed an eco-friendly transfer printing process for biodegradable electronic devices through joint research. The key to this research lies in the precise control of the density of adhesion-tunable self-assembled monolayers, allowing for the mass production of electronic devices on the same substrate without additional surface treatment after transfer printing. The researchers predict that the developed materials and device manufacturing process can serve as a starting point for a new mass production process for biodegradable electronic devices, leading to more eco-friendly manufacturing techniques.

Advanced Functional Materials 34.6 (2024): 2310612.

Photo-Degradable Soft Robots using Silicone Elastomeric Composite

We've developed soft robots that maintain high elasticity and can degrade under ultraviolet light, offering potential military applications for discreet operations and surveillance. These robots effectively self-dispose after temporary tasks, reducing environmental impact and enhancing exploration in hazardous areas and hardware security. 

Science Advances 9.34 (2023): eadh9962.

Biodegradable Mg3Zn for Transient Electronics

We proposed a biodegradable single-phase Mg3Zn alloy using sputtering process and applied it to transient electronics devices with improved corrosion resistivity and uniformity. 

Jornal of Magnesium and Alloys 11.9 (2023): 3241-3254.

Electroceuticals for Regeneration of Long Nerve Gap

We have developed an electroceuticals that can treat nerve injury with long defect through wireless electrical stimulation and biodegradable conductive conduits. For more details, please refer to the cited journal:

Advanced Science 10.24 (2023): 2302632.

Biodegradable Metallic Glass for Stretchable Electronics

Here we provide the materials strategy to have biodegradability and stretchability with good electrical conductivity. Metallic glass with biodegradable element is the one potential solution.

Advanced Science 8.10 (2021): 2004029.